Happiness is indeed a state of mind, but do you know  that you can achieve it by understanding the science behind it and bring right required changes in your lifestyle? It all starts from your brain.

Our body releases various hormones that helps us stay healthy physically and emotionally. Hormones are chemicals released by endocrine glands, which are situated all throughout our body.  The balanced working of hormones generate the feeling of happiness and satisfaction within. Too much or too little of this balance create physical and mental health issues for an individual. Following are the four major hormones that instill feelings of pleasure and state of positivity in an individual and all are released within our brain, hence it goes like “happiness is a state of mind”.


This one is an actual feel good chemical (also a) and a major player in regulation of moods, healthy digestion, and . It is a neurotransmitter that allows brain cells and other nervous system cells communicate and send signals to regulate various bodily functions,  such as bone health and appetite and more.

Lack of serotonin: creates anxiety and depression, panic, obsessions, irritability, poor appetite

How to Boost it: Exercise, be in nature, massage therapy, get enough sunlight


dopamine is a  nature’s ‘motivational coach’ that your brain produce.  It allow us to focus on the specific task and achieve goals despite delayed rewards. It is a neurotransmitter which is responsible for long term memory, feeling pleasure, desire and focus. Loss of dopamine cells can lead to Parkinson’s disease.

Lack of dopamine: fatigue, difficulty  in concentration, lack of motivation and insomnia

How to Boost it: listen to music, work on creative projects, eat almonds, complete tasks


Also known as a love hormone. It is linked with forming trust and attachment in a relationship and strengthen social bonds.  Right level of oxytocin also keeps us younger.

Lack of oxytocin: poor social functioning, low empathy, feeling lonely and disconnected, fear

How to Boost it: cuddle, laughter, gratitude, romance


This neurotransmitter is a natural pain killer as it relieves you of pain and decrease stress.

Lack of endorphin: mood swings, aches and pains,

How to Boost it: exercise, sports